Miami Beach

Miami Beach South Beach, Ocean Drive, Art Deco District by Ellensmile from Adobe Stock Photos

Miami Beach

Sunshine on waves is an exciting show

for our daughter Katey and our son Joe.

Miami Beach is the perfect place to swim!

Mom and Dad keep an eye on them.

Zooming by slower folks is just great

for two little daredevils on roller skates!

It’s the nineties. Skating is all the rage

for rollerbladers of every age.

The warm sea breezes are pure delight.

We’re dining on Ocean Drive tonight…

pizza and ice cream in a sidewalk cafe,

people passing in an endless parade.

Coming in, like a wave, is a happy mood.

We’re listening to music and feeling good.

Mom and Dad still have dessert to eat…

Joe and Katey are dancing in the street!

Reprinted from Life in Inspiring Places

Copyright 2019© by Cheryl Batavia

Our family lived in Miami Beach for seven years in a 1940 Art Deco style house. We christened our house, inhabited by a dog and two very active children, “Bedlam on the Beach.” Miami Beach is a wonderful city with beautiful beaches, historic Art Deco buildings, great restaurants, and lots of interesting things to do.

“Fraidy” Old Lady

WATER, poured acrylic on canvas, by Cheryl Batavia

MINNOWS IN THE SURF, poured acrylic on canvas, by Cheryl Batavia

“Fraidy” Old Lady

A “fraidy” old lady at the Pompano shore

was afraid to wade, but not anymore!

Her ankles tickled when the little fish nibbled.

Their bite was so light, the old lady giggled,

“Why didn’t I try this before?”

Reprinted from Hanging Out with Wild Animals III,

an environmentally-themed book series for readers eight to twelve

Copyright 2019© by Cheryl Batavia

This limerick tells a true tale about an old lady…me. The fish bit hard enough that it almost hurt, but not quite! My sister treated me to a fish pedicure when I visited her. It was a very similar experience!

Genius at Work!

Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile from Pexels

Genius at Work!

Shh…Genius at work!

Except when you’re not…

not genius, I mean!


has inexplicably fled…

vacated the scene!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

It’s a conundrum!

Oh! what’s a poet to do?

Quick! Write a haiku!

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels

Post a photo…no, post two…

That’s it, genius, you’re all through!

Copyright© 2020 by Cheryl Batavia


Photo by Joakim Honkasalo on Unsplash


In the morning when I wake,

I walk through the quiet house,

opening the blinds to green, leafy views.

Sun shining through the trees,

lighting up the flowers,

birds on branches singing, butterflies.

The sun streams in, revealing

dust on the chest of drawers,

cobwebs on the ceiling fan.

Time for a little housekeeping…soon.

I settle down to a cup of tea.

In the morning stillness,

I open the blinds of my heart,

gathering inspiration for the day.

The light shines in,

revealing the struggles and triumphs

of other people in the world.

Time to dust off compassion,

time to sweep doubts

and lingering grudges away.

Time to polish creativity

and beautiful thoughts

to see me through my day.

As daylight fades,

I walk through the quiet house,

closing the blinds.

We sit down to a simple supper

and enjoy some time together.

Then I close the blinds of my mind

and quiet my thoughts.

Time to rest…and dream.

Copyright© 2020 by Cheryl Batavia


Walking Hand in Hand by Epic Stock Media from Adobe Stock Photos


Dew, wet and cool beneath bare feet

Bunny munching technicolor grass.

Black racer crossing–elegance in motion.

Green bee sipping breakfast

from an orange flower.

Mockingbird incessantly repeating

his neighbors’ songs.

Clouds assemble, palms flutter,

sky darkens, thunder, lightning, shower.

From every tree, birds singing in the rain.

Incandescent sunset.

Stars twinkling in the pine trees.

Water dripping from the leaves,

Frogs singing love songs in the ditches

as we walk hand in hand.

Grass never grew so green.

Stars never shone so bright.

Nature’s music–never sweeter!

Wonders of the universe,

shared with the one I love.

Reprinted from Wonders

Copyright© 2018 by Cheryl Batavia

“Wonders” is one of my favorite poems from my very first book, Wonders: Poems about Love and Relationships. It is posted on the website under “Excerpts, Wonders.” If you have read it there, I apologize, and I promise I won’t make it a habit to duplicate poems.

There is a story behind this poem. One night I was afraid that I was going to die, and Robert comforted me as I cried. (I almost never cry!) It turned out to be a false alarm. The next morning, I woke up, and everything looked incredibly bright and beautiful. This is a poem about that day.

Season of Flowers

Trillium blooming in Shenandoah National Park, by ChrWeiss from Adobe Stock Photos

Season of Flowers

Bare trees and warm rains,

before trees cast leafy shade…

the mountainsides bloom.

Yellow Lady’s Slipper Orchid, Shenandoah National Park, by from Adobe Stock Photos

Copyright© 2020 by Cheryl Batavia

Everglades Style

Egret Family, photo by homecare119 from Pixabay

Everglades Style

The style-conscious woman of long ago

wore Everglades fashions from head to toe:

egret feathers decorating her stylish hat,

alligator purse and alligator shoes to match.

Her taste in fashion was very fine,

but Everglades wildlife began to decline.

Egrets and alligators faced extinction,

and laws were passed for their protection.

Alligator on a Golf Course, photo by skeeze at pixabay

No longer endangered, these species survive.

Habitat protection allows them to thrive.

With continued protection and conservation,

wildlife will delight future generations.

Reprinted from Hanging Out with Wild Animals II

an environmentally themed book series for readers eight to twelve

Copyright© 2018 by Cheryl Batavia