Earthly Days 2

Book Review by Kritika Tanvi


Earthly Days, Book Review by

Kritika Tanvi

Feel the bubbling love pounding voraciously in every word carved graciously here. From the rhythm of ‘Transitions,’ under the first section ‘Perspectives,’ the strength of the words will leave the reader to acknowledge the happenings of his or her life.

Questions work magic!

_ Abracadabra


Courage, friend, as onward we go!

If you keep bailing as I row

_ This Little Boat

It’s the desire of the poet’s heart which painted these delicate beats into luxurious waves of words. The section, ‘Love’ is enchanting and desperately one would love to have such a love in his or her life.

Your inner strength sustains my fainting heart.


When threats of war surround on every side…

vile pestilence, pollution, and unrest,

ambition fades, possessions matter less,

but love endures, a desert rose.

_ A Desert Rose

Introducing her ‘Family’ in the third section, she has shown the warmth which relationships carry. Beautifully unfolding her learnings and feelings from her grandparents, parents, and objects of attachment. In the ‘Blue and White Mugs,’ in the fourth section, ‘Nostalgia,’ she has carried with her and has passed the preserved mug on to her daughter.

Harvey, my dad, was too stubborn to die!

Fifteen-year-old Harvey dodged tragedy.

The cactus-tailed cat was the reason why

they joined the Church…Harvey’s whole family!

_ Cactus-Tailed Cat

Scrolling down to the photo of ‘Mother Nature,’ one could read a nature-lover speaking of the little adventures with concern for preserving the beauty of the land.

We can talk with the animals…

Come, walk the world with me!

_ Walk with Me

Enthralled by the richness of the organization and thoughts, I would say there are many titles which I found a connection with and many which I would come back to.

An uplifting journey with the beautiful photographs, Cheryl has given life not only to her poetry, but the readers. The book is a boost which will fill you with energy.’

_ Kritika

A Message from Kritika

I am honored to have been mentioned in the acknowledgements, and I know Cheryl will do wonders with her books. I am grateful to have been given the opportunity to read the book and review it.

Hugs and love we share every day in words written with the heart which reach the heart of the person, probably smiling while reading them. What else do we want? This life is small when we calculate the number of days we want to live, subtracting the ones already done. I don’t think one would not wake up now.

All the best, Cheryl.


Thank You, Kritika

My sincere gratitude to Kritika, yoga professional, poet, blogger, photographer, painter, and digital artist. Poems by Kritika have been published in numerous online forums and anthologies. Kritika is a very creative person and is willing to explore many creative avenues. She is dedicated to excellence, hard-working, and determined to find her own way in life. These are all qualities and achievements I admire tremendously, and I wish her success in all her endeavors. No one deserves it more!

Kritika will always have a special place in my heart because she reached out to me at the beginning of the pandemic. She had “discovered ” my website, and she encouraged me to begin blogging. Blogging became my escape from the isolation of living under quarantine in a new community where I didn’t know anyone.

In Earthly Days, I have have acknowledged Kritika for her kindness, and I have recognized all of my fellow bloggers for enriching my life during that difficult time and continuing to enhance my life in the present.

Check out Kritika’s blog, The Bird in Her Sky, for insightful poems and other posts written in her unique and delightful style. I think you will enjoy her YouTube video,


I am not sure whether Kritika knew when she sent me this lovely digital painting that the Black-Eyed-Susan has been one of my favorite wildflowers since childhood. Kritika’s painting is a treasured gift with wonderful associations for me. Photo used by permission.

Previous Review of Earthly Days

Review Quotes, Earthly Days

Review Quotes

from the Back Cover of Earthly Days

Earthly Days Update

If you missed Kaushal Kishore’s excellent review you can find it on the previous post.

Earthly Days

Book Review by Kaushal Kishore

Photo by Shannon Baldwin from Unsplash

Book Review: Earthly Days

by Kaushal Kishore

Writing on life that we live every day and night is easy, but it’s difficult when you take life as an adventure and illustrate the same with the elements of nature, and this difficult task is effortlessly done by Cheryl Batavia, who weaves her insights into nature with her extensive teaching background, crafting poems like warp and weft.

Nature has its own ways and Cheryl commemorates better in her own unique style. Her inspiration lies in the realm of Mother Nature and wildlife.

I became acquainted with Cheryl by reading her heartfelt blog posts. Cheryl, a proud mother of three adult children, exudes warmth, affection, and positivity, and strives to share her knowledge and life experiences. Additionally, she enjoys expressing her perspectives on current events.

Cheryl, residing in Florida, is a retired teacher who had also dabbled in the world of commercial art. In addition to her pursuits in writing and blogging, her primary focus lies in environmental conservation and protecting wildlife.

Her diverse passions shine through in the depth of her poetry and writings. If you haven’t had the pleasure of discovering her yet, I request you to check out and follow her delightful blog, “Gulf Coast Poet,” available on WordPress. (

She has already authored a total of five poetry books, with three dedicated to wild animals. Her latest work, Earthly Days, has just been received. I’m incredibly excited to delve into the pages of this book, where she eloquently explores every facet of life.

While Cheryl dedicates a chapter specifically to Mother Nature, you’ll also discover traces of nature in four other chapters: Perspectives, Love, Family, and Nostalgia. This magic becomes evident from the opening poem itself, where she discusses transitions:

…as soil welcomes seeds,

so may my mind

be receptive to new ideas…

Likewise, she calls upon Mother Nature to vividly express her perspectives with “barefoot in leaf piles” and “cactus-tailed cat” in other poems.

“Flimflam World” presents a thought-provoking perspective, much like”I Am the Moment,” where she reflects, “I am the pang of regret for a kind word left unspoken” or when she concludes “Tis a short voyage from cradle to tomb” in her matter-of-fact poem, “Message in a Bottle.”

And love knows no bounds, as evidenced by her descriptions of “stolen kiss in summer rain” and “love lights the twilight.” Her emotions become apparent when she pens her thoughts about her “Mother.” Additionally,”The $5 Challenge” proves to be an incredibly captivating piece of literature.

Her nostalgia comes alive in the poems “Candy Box” and “Blue & White Mugs.” These pieces are profoundly moving and contemplative, requiring a complete read to truly capture their essence.

The last section on “Mother Nature” is something that no nature lover should miss. Her desire for coexistence through “Swimming with Manatees,” an appeal to “Save Mother Earth,” and a clarion call to “Walk with Me” are the focal points that may readily capture the readers’ attention.

In addition to the ones mentioned earlier, I also hold “A Desert Rose,” “Great Discoveries of Love,” “Oblivion can Wait,” and “Just the Two of Us” as some of my favorite poems.

Cheryl employs both rhyming and free verses based on the specific needs of the poems. The goal is to convey emotions, not merely words. Her thoughtfully selected images amplify the allure of her sentiments.

I highly recommend this literary piece to each and every one of you, as it is not only for nature lovers, but also for all other lovers.

_Kaushal Kishore

My sincere gratitude to Kaushal Kishore for this review of Earthly Days. I have been a longtime admirer of Kaushal’s work, and I encourage you to visit his blog at

(KK@kaushalkishorewrites )

Kaushal’s writing is informative and witty. He posts on historical and cultural topics and many other subjects, finding perfect illustrations to accompany his posts. I especially like photos of roses from his garden.

Kaushal’s beautiful poetry is always thought-provoking and often heart-touching. He tells stories about ordinary people as well as the great and famous, always empathetic and a champion of human courage, effort, and good deeds.

Earthly Days Update

Earthly Days is a collection of poems written on my blog over the last three-and-a half years, though many have been revised. There are beautiful color photos. This book is in the spirit of Life in Inspiring Places. Excerpts from that book can be found on my website. Watch for more reviews and updates.

Soft cover and Kindle version

The Egg & Antipoverty

Photo by Tengyart from Unsplash.

A “news junkie” I am not…well, not quite. I do follow the news on a regular basis because I believe democracy depends on informed citizens.

Recently, I watched a documentary about US President, Lyndon B. Johnson. I was unfamiliar with the unflattering stories that had circulated about his political career. As I watched, I remembered learning about the “Great Society” and the “War on Poverty” initiatives that marked his presidency.

As a sixteen-year-old girl with no TV and no newspaper at home, I just knew that Johnson’s “Great Society”sounded great to me! I probably learned about the “War on Poverty” from reading Life Magazine in the school library. The poem I wrote may have been inspired by a photo in that magazine…I can’t quite remember.

The Egg & Antipoverty

A child sits on broken, creaking stairs

eating an egg,

a child who needs more new life

than an egg.

Today, I am alarmed as I watch news about book-banning and political censorship of curriculums, even at the college level, in my state of Florida and in several other states. Teachers are leaving the profession because of restrictions imposed on them, and there is a growing teacher shortage in Florida.

A knowledge of history and science is essential in a democracy, in spite of the desires of some politicians to sweep inconvenient facts and ideas under a rug. Yes, today’s students need more new life than an egg! Curriculum should be age-appropriate, but access to, and free discussion of, information and ideas is crucial to developing independent thought. Education is the birthright of all students in a democracy! “Knowledge is Power.”

Copyright© 2023 by Cheryl Batavia

Technology & Obsolescence

Mary Margaret’s Tea & Biscuit

Then and Now


The longer I live,

the more times obsolescence

stares me in the face!

As of today, Robert and I are both seventy-four. In another month he will be seventy-five. I tease him about this every year!

Yesterday was a sentimental journey, driving through the countryside to Arcadia to have lunch at Mary Margaret’s Tea & Biscuit, a restaurant where we had lunch shortly after we met ten years ago. Robert gave me a lovely orchid plant for my birthday, and we had a thoroughly enjoyable day!

When I went on break recently, I intended to rest and upgrade my technology skills. I decided to type up the three manuscripts that had been gathering dust for months in case I had an opportunity to publish a book. If not, the manuscripts would be ready to pass on to my children. I became familiar with the new version of Word along the way.

Then, a publisher who liked my book, Life in Inspiring Places, offered to publish and promote my new book, Earthly Days. Dedicated to Robert, it is at the publisher and will be coming out soon. It will be presented at the Miami Book Fair in November! Updates will follow.

Copyright© 2023 by Cheryl Batavia