Life in Inspiring Places


The following poems are Copyright© 2022 by Cheryl Batavia. Please do not copy without prior written permission.

Doyles River Falls, Shenandoah National Park, by Paul Lemke from Adobe Stock Photos

Shenandoah National Park

Selected Verses

There’s nothing quite like a waterfall
to stir me in my soul,
flashing in the sunlight,
cascading to a shady pool

Mountain Laurel in Meadow and View of Old Rag by jonbilous from Adobe Stock Photos

There’s nothing more joyous than
wildflowers brightening the spring.
The trilliums and the mountain laurels
make my spirit sing.

Looking up into a Maple in Fall Colors in Shenandoah National Park by wilderpix from Adobe Stock Photos

No colors are quite like the reds and
yellows of maples in the fall.
The mountains are blazing with color,
and the morning air is chill.

Miami Beach South Beach Sunset, Ocean Drive by lunamaria from Adobe Stock Photos

Miami Beach

Sunshine on waves is an exciting show
for our daughter Katey and our son Joe.
Miami Beach is the perfect place to swim!
Mom and Dad keep an eye on them.

Zooming by slower folks is just great
for two little daredevils on roller skates!
It’s the nineties. Skating is all the rage
for rollerbladers of every age.

The warm sea breezes are pure delight.
We’re dining on Ocean Drive tonight.
Pizza and ice cream in a sidewalk cafe,
people passing in an endless parade.

Coming in, like a wave, is a happy mood.
We’re listening to music and feeling good.
Mom and Dad still have dessert to eat.
Joe and katey are dancing in the street!

Group of Jumping Dolphins, Beautiful Seascape by Muratart from Adobe Stock Photos

Dolphins at Venice Jetty

We joined an excited jetty crowd,
“oohing” and “awing” but not too loud,
at a thrilling, all-star performance
wild dolphins were giving us.

Jumping for joy, they put on a show
that lasted for fifteen minutes or so.
We were their chosen audience…
They liked us! I was touched.

I hope that I can always be
the friend the dolphins saw in me.

Wildflower Carpet by Mary Lane from Adobe Stock Photos

Black-Eyed Susans

Black-eyed susans, growing around
a little country church in Pennsylvania,
caught the fancy of a five-year-old,
who took them home to Sunday Dinner.

Black-eyed susans, growing on the bank
of a favorite swimming hole in Virginia,
caught the fancy of a young man,
who brought them home to his wife.

Black-eyed susans at the garden center,
too fancy and refined to tempt
the middle-aged gardener, but close enough
to stir the memory of something wild and free.

Black-eyed susans in a Florida supermarket
(sunflowers, but close enough)
caught the fancy of an older woman,
who brought them home to make her smile.

Brother and Sister Back to Back by WavebreakmediaMicro from Adobe Stock Photos

Brothers & Sisters

Mom didn’t say I have to like you.
She said, “Be nice to each other.”

Dad didn’t say I have to like you.
He said, “Share your toys.”

Grandma didn’t say I have to like you.
She said, “Take turns.”

Grandpa didn’t say I have to like you.
He said, “Keep your hands to yourself.”

Nobody said I have to like you…
but I do.

Milky Way by Manuel from Adobe Stock Photos


Feeling small in the vastness
of a galaxy of stars,
I am comforted
by my own insignificance.
It doesn’t matter very much
if I am rich or famous,
or even pure in heart…except to me.

I am free, with all the other
short-lived humans,
to simply enjoy this moment,
gazing at the stars,
finding inspiration for my
brief life, confident
that doing my best is enough,
feeling free to be happy!


  1. A very nice collection of stories and poems Cheryl. They are very inspiring places. Virginia is one of my favorite places. The Shenandoah Valley is filled with beauty. We lived in Harrisonburg for many years. I taught elementary school for eight years at Bridgewater.

    Liked by 2 people


    1. Dwight, My parents lived for several years near Harrisonburg, and I worked there for 5 years. You and I seem to have lived in a lot of the same general areas.I lived in Western Pennsylvania from age three to age nine, and often visited my grandparents there for years. I am glad you like Virginia. I lived in various small towns in and around tthe mountains of Virginia from age eleven to age thirty-five. The Shenandoah Valley and the Shenandoah National Park are truly beautiful.

      We also have teaching careers in common and share many of the same interests such as nature, writing, and art. Maybe that’s why I enjoy your work so much! ❤

      Thank you for reading and for your kind comments. Have a great weekend! Cheryl

      Liked by 2 people


    1. Harisharan, thank you so much for your kind words! ❤ I am so happy you enjoyed the poems. I appreciate your reading and commenting.. 🙂 Your daughter, Anjali, is a very impressive young woman doing good things with her life! I am sure you must be proud of her! All the best! Cheryl

      Liked by 1 person


  2. Dear Cheryl, I remember Black-Eyed Susans blooming on the white wall of the farm I lived on as a child.
    I sat with my little sister on a wobbly red bench and we played with our funny dog ​​called “teddy”.
    We had long blond braids in which we tucked wreaths of Black-Eyed Susans.
    Thank you, Cheryl, for waking my memories!
    Rosie from Germany

    Liked by 2 people


    1. Rosie, I can vividly picture in my mind the beautiful scene you have described. You and your sister must have looked quite angelic with wreaths of Black-Eyed-Susans in your long, blond braids! What lovely memories! ❤ Have a wonderful weekend!



  3. I liked the black eyes Susans…we had some flowering last year, India and the entire colony people loved to take photos of it. I also liked the warm breeze and the sunshine on the waves at Miami beach. Dance dance , light!

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Thank you, Veena, for taking the time to read and comment. ❤ I am so glad you liked the poems. Your black-eyed Susans sound lovely! I have sowed some seeds of wild black-eyed Susans I harvested. I don't know if they will sprout in spring when the rains return. They are much smaller here in Florida than the ones I remember from Virginia and Pennsylvania, but still charming. Have a great weekend! 🙂

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