
Walking Hand in Hand by Epic Stock Media from Adobe Stock Photos


Dew, wet and cool beneath bare feet

Bunny munching technicolor grass.

Black racer crossing–elegance in motion.

Green bee sipping breakfast

from an orange flower.

Mockingbird incessantly repeating

his neighbors’ songs.

Clouds assemble, palms flutter,

sky darkens, thunder, lightning, shower.

From every tree, birds singing in the rain.

Incandescent sunset.

Stars twinkling in the pine trees.

Water dripping from the leaves,

Frogs singing love songs in the ditches

as we walk hand in hand.

Grass never grew so green.

Stars never shone so bright.

Nature’s music–never sweeter!

Wonders of the universe,

shared with the one I love.

Reprinted from Wonders

Copyright© 2018 by Cheryl Batavia

“Wonders” is one of my favorite poems from my very first book, Wonders: Poems about Love and Relationships. It is posted on the website under “Excerpts, Wonders.” If you have read it there, I apologize, and I promise I won’t make it a habit to duplicate poems.

There is a story behind this poem. One night I was afraid that I was going to die, and Robert comforted me as I cried. (I almost never cry!) It turned out to be a false alarm. The next morning, I woke up, and everything looked incredibly bright and beautiful. This is a poem about that day.


  1. Murali, thank you for your kind comments. I am so glad you liked the poem.

    One night, I thought I was going to die. Thankfully, it was a false alarm. The next day, everything in my life looked brighter, and the poem is about that very special day.

    Hope your day is going well. Cheryl



      1. Thank you Cheyrl. I’m trying to post Monday and Thursday. Otherwise, too much to keep up with. A poem one day and who knows what the next. I too will look forward to yours!!! Thanks, I’m off to a good start, looking at the lake. You have a good one as well!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. your love and gratitude radiates out … thanks for the background and so glad that you are still here to share your gift!

    No need to apologise if others may have read it previously as I’m sure they are glad to read it again ❤

    Liked by 1 person


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