1. Glad you enjoyed the poem, Kritika! ❤ You are so right about allergic reactions. Robert had a very bad case of poison ivy that caused his eye to swell almost shut in March last year. He had to go to the doctor for a shot. Some people can get it from the plants being burned or a breeze! It seems you are familiar with poison ivy. I guess you have it in India too! Take care, Kritika. Enjoy your weekend! ❤

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    1. Definitely! The poison ivy I was familiar with is 2-3 times the size of the petite plant in the photo. Some have smooth leaf margins, some have an oak leaf shape, and some are vines that climb trees. They are all toxic. 😦 Steer clear of them and enjoy your hikes. ❤

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    1. You got that right, Cindy! Beautiful from afar! 🙂 Last year in March, Robert had an eye swollen almost shut and the rash had become systemic. He had to get a shot! Sorry if I brought back unpleasant memories. Glad you liked the poem. ❤ Hope you are doing well.

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      1. Oh my gosh Cheyrl. I know the feeling. Poor guy!
        One time I went to the dr because my eyes were swollen shot and I looked like I was 300 lbs. my doc and anyone else couldn’t recognize me. He wanted to hospitalize me but i wouldn’t go pig headed as i am. Steroids too care of it thankfully!!!
        I’m good and hope you are too!!! ❤️

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    1. David, thank you for your beautiful response! I am happy that you like the poem. I had no idea there was so much poison ivy around here. On my walk, I saw a lot of red in the woods and went closer to see what it was. I had not noticed it before because it is so much smaller than the poison ivy I was used to. We do have the big plants that climb trees too. Ah, Paradise! ❤ Have a great week!

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      1. If you live in the North Island it’s noticably warmer all year round. Gets down to zero degree celsius on wintery mornings, but almost always nears the teens at some point during the day. Wellington, where I live, is windy though so there’s always the wind chill factor to take into account. Auckland and further north have warmer temperatures all year round, but still fluctuate as the seasons change.

        The South Island is noticeably colder and right down south will have a lot of snow from Autumn through to the middle of Spring. Plenty of skiing down there too if the snowfall is right.

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