Mirrored Image

Photo by Gaetano Cessati from Pixabay.

Mirrored Image

I like my gray hair.

Wrinkles, age spots, double chin…

I don’t like so much!

My mirrored image looks best

when it’s smiling back at me.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels.
Photo by Mofeda Dabaloo from Unsplash.
Photo by a-m-u-t-o-n from Pixabay.

Copyright © 2022 by Cheryl Batavia


      1. You are most welcome, Cheryl. Of course, I agree. Mask-wearing reminded us how valuable smiles are. I don’t think you got carried away – I think they are delightful! 💖


    1. Michelle, you are so right about mask-wearing! Masks make it harder to communicate by hiding visual cues as well as muffling speech. I am in a high-risk category and still wearing my mask in crowded spaces even though I am triple vaccinated. I will be so happy when that is no longer necessary! ❤ Enjoy your weekend!

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      1. Oh, how I missed smiles! Fortunately, the eyes know how to smile too! Very smart to keep wearing a mask. I do in certain situations. Losing a friend recently, to Covid, again reminded me of the importance of not letting our guard down, or mask. Thank you, Cheryl. Same to you!

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      1. Oh I love that Cheryl!
        Smart man and your mom was lucky!
        That’s so kind and he is right and so wise!
        In my bus and town they are all touched up so it’s tough sometimes.
        My arms have always been one of my great traits along with my eyes and I just tried a dress on for the wedding… might need to
        Go long but I’m working on it .. ha! 😂🙏💕

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  1. I find it strange that when I look at freshly taken photographs of my face I look old and yet when I look at the same photographs a years later I’m struck by how young and fresh I look. I first noticed this when I was in my thirties and I’ve come a long way since then. 😃
    Age is just some kind of weird illusion, Cheryl – you are, in reality, young, fresh and beautiful – trust me.

    Liked by 2 people


    1. Robert, I am still laughing after reading your comment. Your observations about viewing photographs of yourself is borne out by my experience. Yes, it is weird! I guess when I look back ten years from now, I will think that a photo taken at 72 looks pretty young! Somehow, I don’t think I should trust you! 🙂 🙂 🙂 By the way, “Robert” is the name of my better half. Have a great week!



    1. Henrietta, Thank you for your kind response. I confess that I colored my hair until I was 59. As you say, the rest is harder to change. Your skin looks very nice in your photos. ❤

      At 72, less is more…usually just a little glycerine/water on my skin, blush, and lip gloss (mascara occasionally).

      I hope you are finding a lot to smile about these days! 🙂



  2. I tolerate my grey hair hehehe, but I “really” like my scars as each tells a story of survival.. and to your point, that makes me smile in the mirror. Thanks for the smile, I needed that today.

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    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, da-AL. So glad the post made you laugh! 🙂 I agree with you. We can just decide what we are willing to do to improve our looks and then go on about our day. I think it is great that we are all individuals.

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      1. I read once an interview with Gloria Steinem & even she mentioned she had to make the conscious decision to not berate herself when she looked in the mirror!

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  3. At times after waking up when I enter the washroom to wash my face, I smile and whisper I love you in the mirror. It just somewhere cheers me up unknown of what will unfold next and the lows pass by.
    I can relate with your poetry.

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